Monday, November 11, 2019


Atomic number:33
Element name: As
Latin name:arsenicum
Electric configuration:[Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p3
Discoverer:Albertus Magnus
Isolator:75, 73, 82
Element atomic mass:74.9216 u
Density:1.97 g/cm3
Group: 15
Chemical properties:
Arsenic combines with oxygen more slowly at room temperatures, Arsenic
does not dissolve in water or most cold acids.
Arsenic is a metalloid.

  • 33 isotopes : 3 of them are :
Arsenic - 75 : Protons : 33
Neutrons : 42
Electrons : 33
(Half Life : Stable)

Arsenic - 76 : Protons : 33

Neutrons : 43
Electrons : 33
(Half Life : 1.0942(7) days)

Arsenic - 77 : Protons : 33
Neutrons : 44
Electrons : 33
(Half Life : 38.83(5) hours)
Arsenic - 75

Physical Properties:

  • Shiny
  • Gray
  • Brittle
  • Solid in room temperature
  • Boiling point : 613 Degree Celsius (1135 Fahrenheit)
  • Melting point : 816.8 Degree Celsius (1502 Fahrenheit)
Where did it gets it’s name from:
The word arsenic comes from the Persian word "zarnikh 
Uses:It is added to germanium and silicon to make transistors.
 Also used to make LED lights, LEDs produce the lighted numbers
in hand-held calculators, clocks, watches, and a number of other electronic devices.

How is it Discovered?:
Arsenic compounds were mined by the early Chinese, Greek and
Egyptian civilisations

How is it extracted now?
The process of recovering arsenic from its ores is a common one
used with metals. The ore is first roasted The process of recovering
arsenic from its ores is a common one used with metals. 

Health Effects:

  • Cancer
  • Skin lesions
  • Diabetes
Skin Lesions

Fun facts:
Arsenic is still used to harden alloys, specifically lead and copper. 


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